LocalConnect is the included application for converting and uploading Vectors, Images, Maps, and Elevation to GISRoam.
LocalConnect includes tools to automatically convert your source data to GISRoam formats and projections in the following formats:
* Elevation in the form of DTED, DEM, ARCGrid, GEOTIFF, SRTM, XYZ Grid, and BIL.
* Imagery in the form of MRsid, ECW, IMG, GeoTIFF/TIFF/BIG TIFF, JPG2K, JPG, DOQQ, and NITF (RPF).
* Vectors in the form of Shapefiles and MapInfo.
* LocalConnect includes tool to develop custom forms for displaying your attribution data in more user friendly layout.
* LocalConnect support importing shapefiles and raster GIS data and exporting collected/modified shapefiles.
* With latest version you can now load directly converted files into WebConnect